Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bird Named Robinson?

This Great Blue Heron looked lonely standing all by himself on the tip of Cayo Costa Island as we passed in a boat, early one morning.


AppleDebbie said...

A beautiful photo of a beautiful bird. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I've always thought myself that wading birds were hard to read. They always give an impression that they are thinking about something. Evolutionarily, that's probably part of their fishing expertise ... they lull their prey to sleep.

Carletta said...

I have to recommend everyone enlarge this - a beautiful image!

Pea in a Pod said...

WOW! That is beautiful! I want to go there now;) Mine is posted HERE. Happy CC!~

i beati said...

good title where is this i live in spring lake middle of state

ratmammy said...

looked like a great day to be out!

Anonymous said...

He is indeed beautiful against the background of sky and water.

Martha said...

Looks like we're almost neighbors - I'm in Sarasota. Thanks for stopping by my CC entry! :-)

Indrani said...

Only when I clicked on the pic., did I see the real beauty!
Great shot indeed!